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20 Workplace Phrases - Business Enlish

by 빌리스토리 2024. 9. 5.


20 Workplace Phrases Script Download

20 Workplace Phrases - Business Enlish.pdf


20 General Workplace Phrases - Business Enlish

  1. Let's touch base.: Let's meet briefly to discuss something.
    • Example: "Let's touch base next week to discuss the project update."
  2. Keep me in the loop.: Keep me informed about what's happening.
    • Example: "Please keep me in the loop about any changes to the schedule."
  3. Think outside the box.: Consider new and creative ideas.
    • Example: "We need to think outside the box to find a solution to this problem."
  4. Circle back.: Return to a topic later.
    • Example: "Let's circle back to this discussion next week."
  5. On the same page.: Having the same understanding or agreement.
    • Example: "Are we all on the same page about the project timeline?"
  6. At the end of the day.: Ultimately, in the final analysis.
    • Example: "At the end of the day, we need to focus on what's most important."
  7. Get the ball rolling.: Start something.
    • Example: "Let's get the ball rolling on this project."
  8. Hit the ground running.: Start working hard immediately.
    • Example: "We need to hit the ground running on this new project."
  9. Take it offline.: Discuss something privately or later.
    • Example: "Let's take this discussion offline to avoid interrupting the meeting."
  10. Table this discussion.: Postpone a discussion for later.
    • Example: "Let's table this discussion for now and come back to it later."
  11. Bring to the table.: Contribute something valuable.
    • Example: "What can you bring to the table for this project?"
  12. Drill down.: Focus on details.
    • Example: "Let's drill down into the specific requirements of this task."
  13. Bite the bullet.: Do something difficult or unpleasant.
    • Example: "We need to bite the bullet and make some tough decisions."
  14. Ahead of the curve.: Be more advanced or progressive than others.
    • Example: "Our company is ahead of the curve in terms of technology."
  15. Low-hanging fruit.: Easy tasks or goals.
    • Example: "Let's start with the low-hanging fruit before tackling the more difficult tasks."
  16. Move the needle.: Make significant progress.
    • Example: "We need to move the needle on this project."
  17. In the pipeline.: Being planned or developed.
    • Example: "We have several new projects in the pipeline."
  18. On my radar.: Aware of something.
    • Example: "That issue is on my radar. I'll look into it."
  19. Take ownership.: Be responsible for something.
    • Example: "You need to take ownership of this project."
  20. Win-win situation.: A situation where everyone benefits.
    • Example: "This is a win-win situation for both companies."





